Every so often, as a feature, one of our artists reveals their idea of "What is Media Link?". This months featured artist is Jeffrey Goodsell...

Media Link is a community within a community, where all of the residents share a common interest. This interest is generally computer generated graphics, but we welcome writers, poets, photographers and musicians. For some of us, computer graphics are a hobby or a passion. For others, there lives a dream of turning our hobby into a living.

If you have ever belonged to a local BBS, or a major online forum, you know what I mean when I say that the Mailing List is the heart of Media Link. This is where members exchange knowledge, share secrets and discuss issues, new programs and remote sites that offer something of interest to members. The mailing list is much more friendly then a newsgroup. Most of us write back and forth publicly and privately, so we get to know each other. You won't see any flames here. Like the bar in the TV show Cheers, this is a place where "Everyone knows Your name".

Title logo for this page created by Dwain Coufal
Horizontal rules were created by Jeffrey Goodsell and can be found in Media Link's Free Graphics section

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Number of accesses since October 23rd, 1995 (excluding resets:)